
How to Batch Plot in AutoCAD?

By Microsol Resources | CAD, Data Management

What is Batch Plotting?

Batch plotting is an AutoCAD feature that allows you to print multiple drawing files in a single operation. This feature is particularly useful for architects, engineers, and construction professionals when printing large document sets quickly and efficiently. Instead of opening each drawing file and printing it individually, batch plotting automates the process, saving time and reducing the chance of formatting errors.

By understanding the batch plotting feature and how to use it well, you can streamline your workflow and significantly boost productivity.

When to Use Batch Plotting

Batch plotting is handy any time you need to print multiple documents at once. Here are a few common situations where many AEC professionals utilize this feature.

  1. Large Projects: Batch plotting can save considerable time when working on large projects with numerous pages.
  2. Revisions: If you have several drawings that need to be revised and reprinted, batch plotting can significantly speed up the process.
  3. Consistent Output: The batch plotting feature ensures that all of your drawings are printed with the same settings, helping to maintain consistency across an entire project.


Setting Up Drawings for Batch Plotting

Before you can get started with the batch printing feature in AutoCAD, you’ll need to prepare your drawings properly. To do so, you’ll need to organize your files, configure page setups, and ensure everything is ready for smooth plotting.


Creating a Working Folder

When preparing to use batch plot, the first thing you need to do is create a dedicated folder for the drawings that you want to plot. Doing this will help keep your files organized and make them easier to manage throughout your project. To create a working folder:

  1. Open File Explorer on your PC
  2. Create a new folder in your preferred location and name it accordingly, for example: “Batch Plot Drawings.
  3. Move all of your .dwg files that you wish to plot into your newly created folder.


Creating and Managing Page Setups

Page setups define how our drawings will be plotted. They include paper size, plot area, plot styles (CTBs), and plotter configuration. Setting up these parameters correctly is critical for consistent output. To create a page setup:

  1. Open AutoCAD and load your drawing.
  2. Navigate to the Layout tab of your AutoCAD window.
  3. Right-click the Layout tab and select Page Setup Manager from the context menu.
  4. If you have an existing page set up, click Modify; otherwise, select New to create a new one.
  5. Configure the page setup. Here, you can choose your desired plotter, paper size, page orientation, plot area, plot style, and other settings to customize your page setup further.
  6. Finally, select OK, and this will prompt you to name your page setup (if it is new).
  7. Repeat these steps for each layout that requires a specific setup.


Opening the Publish Dialog Box

Once your drawings are in the proper folder and you have set up your desired page layouts, it’s time to start the batch plotting process by opening the Publish dialog box.

  1. Locate and select the Output tab on the AutoCAD ribbon.
  2. Under the output tab, you will be presented with further options and tools. Find and select Batch Plot to open the Publish dialog box.


Configuring Batch Plotting Settings

After the Publish dialog box is open, you can configure various settings to ensure your batch plot fits your needs.

  1. In the Publish dialog box, select the Add Sheets button to select the drawings you want to plot.
  2. In the Sheet List tab, you’ll be able to see all of the drawings added for plotting.
  3. Select the Page Setup for each of your drawings. You can select individual setups for different drawings or apply a predefined page setup to all sheets by selecting it from the drop-down menu.


Creating and Managing Drawing Sheet List

Managing our drawing sheet list efficiently ensures that all drawings are plotted correctly.


Adding Drawings to Sheet List

  1. In the Publish dialog box, click Add Sheets.
  2. Navigate to the folder where your drawings are stored.
  3. Select the DWG files you want to include in the batch plot and click Open.


Organizing a Drawing Sheet List

  1. In the Publish dialog box, you can reorder the drawings by dragging them up or down the list.
  2. Use the Remove button to delete any drawing from the list if needed.


Saving Drawing Sheet List

  1. Once your sheet list is complete, click the Save Sheet List button.
  2. Choose a location to save your sheet list file and give it a descriptive name. This allows you to reload the same sheet list for future batch plots.


Plotting Batch Drawings

With everything set up, you’re finally ready to plot your drawings. However, it is always a good practice to give all of your pages one last glance over to find any mistakes or formatting errors that may have slipped through the cracks during your setup.


Previewing the Drawings

  1. Open the Publish dialog box.
  2. Select each drawing and then click Preview.
  3. Check each page for errors and to ensure that your formatting is correct.



  1. After verifying your previews, click the Publish button in the Publish dialog box.
  2. Choose the output format, such as PDF or DWF.
  3. Specify the location to save the output files.
  4. Click Publish to start the batch plotting process.


Quality Check and Troubleshooting

After batch plotting, it’s crucial to perform a quality check to ensure all drawings are printed correctly.

  1. Open each plotted file (PDF, DWF) and inspect them for any issues.
  2. Check for consistent lightweight, plot style, and plot area.

If you encounter any problems, consider these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify Page Setups: Ensure that each layout tab has the correct page setup applied.
  2. Check Plot Styles: Make sure the correct plot style (CTB file) is used.
  3. Adjust Plot Area: Confirm that the plot area settings are appropriate for each drawing.


By following these simple steps, you can effectively batch plot in AutoCAD, ensuring your drawings are printed correctly and consistently.

This saves you valuable time and helps maintain a professional standard for your projects. Whether you’re working on a small set of plans or a large project, mastering batch plotting in AutoCAD is a valuable skill that enhances productivity and the overall quality of your work.

INDUSTRIES: Architecture, Buildings, Construction, Interior Design

Published on July 21, 2024 in CAD, Data Management.

About the Author

Microsol Resources delivers integrated solutions that help customers design, simulate and analyze their ideas, increase operational efficiencies, and maximize their return on investment in their technology solutions. As a team, we are passionate about helping customers improve their productivity and overall business processes. How can we help? Just reach out.