
AUTHOR: Anna Liza Montenegro

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The Role of PMIS in Construction

Managing a modern construction project is a daunting task. Balancing budgets, deadlines, and workforce may initially seem like an impossible task. 

However, with the assistance of cutting-edge technology, project managers can successfully supervise all aspects of a build with relative ease. At the forefront of this project management modernization is a revolutionary system known as PMIS.

What is a PMIS And How Does it Work?

PMIS (project management information system) is a software system designed to help construction project management teams maximize efficiency. These complex systems have two primary roles. First, PMIS acts as a central database for all pertinent project information. Secondly, PMIS provides the tools needed for effective planning, scheduling, estimation, purchasing, and project execution. 

The Significance of PMIS in Construction Management

Successfully managing a construction project is notoriously complicated. Hiring qualified contractors, coordinating the purchase of materials, establishing budgets, and setting deadlines are just a few key items on the long list of tasks project managers face. While these processes are part of every construction endeavor, the complexity of project management increases with the overall size and scope of each project. 

Regardless of a project’s size, PMIS can be an absolute lifesaver when it comes to streamlining project management. By synchronizing and organizing project information, stakeholders are presented with a clear view of construction progress and resource allocation, allowing for better decision-making and enhanced efficiency. 

Key Features of PMIS in Construction

PMIS systems can be tailored to fit the needs of each individual construction company. However, most firms find the following features the most useful:

  • Project Scheduling and Planning Tools: PMIS systems like Autodesk Build offer a library of sophisticated tools designed to simplify the creation of building schedules and establishing project milestones. PMIS systems can automatically generate and update Gantt charts as the project progresses, giving managers better control over project tracking.
  • Budget Management: The ability of PMIS to organize pricing and payment information gives project managers valuable budget-tracking capabilities. PMIS can help identify the potential for savings or if any aspects of the project might negatively affect the prospect of completing the build within budget. 
  • Resource management: Funds are not the only valuable resource when it comes to construction management. Ensuring that there is enough manpower to complete a project is also crucial to its success. PMIS can optimize scheduling to ensure that independent contractors begin and finish their work at the opportune moment. 
  • Document organization and Sharing: Part of effective project management is making sure that estimators, architects, engineers, superintendents, and investors all have access to the documents they need to carry out their designated tasks. PMIS not only facilitates document storage but also gives access to all primary stakeholders.

How Does PMIS Work Throughout the Project’s Life Cycle?

PMIS is an essential tool in modern construction management, helping projects progress from start to finish and beyond as a structure enters the operational phase of its life cycle. 

Project Initiation

In the early stages of construction, PMIS helps convert ideas into plans. By implementing PMIS technology from the start of a project, a construction firm can develop a solid scope, timeline, and objective that will lead to smoother development as the project progresses.

Project Planning 

Once the initial details, like timeframes and budgets, have been determined, the planning phase of a project can begin. At this stage, finding the most qualified contractors for the job can be challenging. However, PMIS stores contractor data from previous construction projects, allowing a management team to decide who to hire based on prior performance.

Project Monitoring

A PMIS system is arguably the most useful once construction begins as it facilitates direct comparison between the original objectives and the current project progress. Data like this can help project managers decide when and if adjustments need to be made to ensure the project is completed on time and within budget. 

Project Closing

After construction comes to a close, PMIS plays a critical part in a project’s close. It assists in making sure that all contractual obligations are met between contractors and simplifies the process of handing off ownership of the facility to the owner. 

Post-Construction and Maintenance

PIMS continues to be a valuable part of a construction management workflow long after construction ends. Project management software has the power to analyze the entire history of a project, pinpointing specific strengths and achievements that can be studied for implementation in future projects.  

Facility managers can also use data stored in a PIMS system to streamline their building maintenance programs, helping them schedule upgrades and repairs to building components.           

Benefits of Implementing PMIS in Construction

By incorporating PMIS into every project phase, construction teams are provided with a management solution that enhances the efficiency of their building process and leads to a higher-quality final product. Adopting a project management information system can also benefit a construction firm in the following ways:

  • Better communication: PIMS makes project data easily accessible to stakeholders, helping to keep them informed and engaged. 
  • Improved Resource Management: PIMS can guarantee the best use of allocated funds, manpower, equipment, and materials.
  • Increased Accountability: A project management information system incorporates real-time data, allowing managers to keep better track of responsibilities and project deliverables.

Challenges of Implementing PMIS in Construction

Though there are seemingly endless benefits to implementing PMIS in construction, there are certainly challenges in doing so. Some of those issues may include: 

  • Resistance to change: When a project manager has an extensive tenure at a company, they have likely developed their own method of doing things and may be hesitant to try something new. 
  • Initial Cost: Like any piece of construction software, an initial investment cost comes with upgrading to PMIS. Construction firms need to thoroughly analyze their management needs before writing the check to a PMIS supplier
  • Data Integration: PIMS works best when synchronized with other construction-based software like BIM (building information modeling). However, if the data from either program is not up to date, inaccuracies can arise. 

Final Thoughts

While there is no right or wrong way to approach project management, every construction firm will tell you that structure is essential to a successful build. PMIS is designed to bring that structure to its users by making data readily available and standardizing construction organization. 

For many, implementing PMIS is the boost they need to push their construction company into the digital age and gain an advantage over their competitors. If you are curious about the specific benefits a PMIS can bring to your business, please feel free to contact our customer service team here at Microsol Resources. We are happy to answer any questions you have about project management information systems and direct you toward a PMIS solution that best fits your needs.


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IoT in Construction: Top Applications and Benefits

The construction industry is changing faster than ever. We are constantly seeing new tools, technologies, and concepts with the potential to revolutionize how structures are designed and built. One such technology is the Internet of Things (IoT).

Thanks to advancements in sensor technology and modern wireless connection speeds, information can be transferred almost instantaneously, allowing for better decision-making, productivity, and an overall safer worksite environment. But what is the Internet of Things, and how does it work?

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things, or IoT for short, is a collective network of electronic devices that constantly send and receive data to each other in real-time. At first glance, this technology doesn’t sound all that ground-breaking when we consider that we live in a world built around the Internet. However, when we take a closer look at the components that make up IoT, we can start to see its revolutionary potential.

Components of IoT

The Internet of Things consists of four major components: sensors, a wireless connection, a data processing program, and a user interface. These simple yet powerful tools allow data to be collected, transferred, analyzed, and viewed.

Sensors – Sensors are fundamental to the Internet of Things. These devices collect data from the environment where they are installed. In a construction setting, data sensors are often installed to monitor temperature, humidity, and light levels, as well as detect motion and on-site traffic. These sensors include:

  • Construction Wearables: Smart helmets, vests, glasses, and watches can help monitor worker vital signs, detect falls, and alert project managers of potential hazards, facilitating better on-site safety protocols.
  • Smart Components: Building components with built-in sensors, such as HVAC, lighting, and security systems, can be integrated with IoT and controlled remotely, leading to better energy efficiency during and after construction.
  • Heavy Machinery Sensors: IoT-enabled machinery can be closely monitored to calculate the most opportune moment for routine maintenance.

Wireless Connection – A wireless connection is what makes IoT possible. Once data is collected by on-site sensors, it can be sent to other devices or a centralized location via a wireless signal like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LTE, or 5G.

Data Processing Program – Information collected by sensors is immediately sent to a data analysis program that can analyze, sort, and distribute it appropriately. In most cases, sensor data is processed by a BIM (building information modeling) or AI (artificial intelligence) software to derive usable insights.

User Interfaces – After data has been collected and processed, it needs to be made available for practical use. This is where a user interface comes into play. Mobile apps are a common choice for construction managers and engineers as they can display critical data needed during construction.

Use Cases of IoT in Construction

The Adoption of IoT into the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) fields has introduced various innovative applications that have been proven to significantly enhance safety, efficiency, and project management. Here are five of the most common uses for the Internet of Things in a construction setting.

Use 1: Improved Worker Safety

Construction wearables equipped with IoT sensors can monitor workers’ vital signs and environmental conditions on the job site. These devices can detect potential hazards, such as exposure to harmful gases or extreme temperatures, and immediately alert construction managers. This real-time data collection helps improve site safety and reduce accidents.

Use 2: Streamlined Construction Processes

IoT-enabled systems can integrate with BIM software to provide a comprehensive overview of the construction project. This integration allows for better planning, coordination, and task execution. IoT solutions also support automation and robotics, enhancing workflow and reducing manual labor costs.

Use 3: Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance can be a game-changer in construction efficiency. IoT sensors can monitor the condition of heavy machinery and construction equipment, predicting when maintenance is needed before a breakdown occurs. This proactive approach minimizes downtime, reduces repair costs, and extends the lifespan of valuable equipment.

Use 4: Improving Supply Chain Management

IoT technology enhances supply chain management by providing real-time tracking and inventory management. Sensors and trackers on materials and equipment ensure that construction companies can monitor their supply chain, anticipate shortages, and manage deliveries efficiently. This optimization reduces delays and keeps projects on schedule.

Benefits of Using IoT in Construction

By leveraging IoT-centered real-time data and advanced analytics, AEC companies can streamline workflows, improve construction sustainability, and make better decisions pertaining to their projects. The following four benefits highlight IoT’s efficiency as a construction management tool.

Benefit 1: Improved Decision-Making

IoT technology provides construction firms with a surplus of data analytics, enabling informed decision-making. Real-time data helps stakeholders understand the current project status, identify potential issues, and make timely adjustments. This level of insight is crucial for optimizing the construction process and ensuring project success.

Benefit 2: Enhanced Sustainability

IoT solutions contribute to sustainability in the construction sector by promoting efficient use of resources and reducing waste. Smart sensors can monitor energy consumption, water usage, and material utilization, helping construction companies adopt more sustainable practices. This focus on sustainability not only benefits the environment but also enhances the reputation of construction businesses.

Benefit 3: Better Compliance and Documentation

IoT systems can automatically record data related to compliance and OSHA safety standards. This automatic documentation ensures that construction companies can easily meet regulatory requirements and provide evidence of compliance. It also reduces the administrative burden on project managers and improves the accuracy of records.

Benefit 4: Enhanced Worker Productivity

IoT-enabled wearables and devices can monitor worker productivity and health. By providing insights into worker performance and identifying areas for improvement, these devices help construction managers optimize labor allocation and improve overall productivity. Additionally, ensuring workers’ health and safety leads to higher morale and efficiency.


The Internet of Things represents a digital transformation in the way construction projects are carried out. From improved decision-making to enhanced worker safety, the benefits of IoT almost always justify the initial investment cost. If you are interested in integrating IoT into your construction firm’s workflow, we suggest heading over to the University of Cincinnati’s website and checking out their in-depth guide on How To Choose The Right Sensor For Your IoT Project.


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Construction Marketing Strategies

The construction industry is evolving faster than ever before. As digital technologies further entrench themselves in the field, contractors need to take a progressive approach to all aspects of their business, including their marketing strategies, to stay relevant.


Why Construction Companies Must Embrace Construction Marketing

If you own a well-established construction company, marketing was probably not something that you gave much thought to in the past. However, in recent years, you’ve likely received countless cold calls and emails about website building, SEO services, and Google ad campaigns. These terms may sound like a foreign language to you, but in 2024, they are essential parts of maintaining relevancy in modern construction.

Basically, it boils down to how most homeowners seek information. In the past, they asked their friends and neighbors for recommendations or looked for contractors listed in their local phone book. Nowadays, a quick Google search will provide a homeowner with a list of contractors in their area, and this is where strategic marketing comes into play because the top Google search results are not necessarily the most capable builders but rather the ones with the best construction marketing tactics. There is no ceiling for the time, effort, and money that a company can put into a marketing campaign. Still, there are some essential strategies that make up the backbone of an effective advertising strategy.


8 Construction Marketing Tips and Ideas for Growth in 2024

In 2024, construction firms will be presented with a variety of strategies to enhance their marketing and secure their place in an increasingly competitive construction market. Below is a list of ten tips and ideas you can take to increase your company’s visibility, better engage with your target clientele, and generate a steady flow of new leads. These tips include a modern approach to traditional strategies and digital marketing tactics to ensure a flexible approach that can adapt to a volatile market.

1. Develop a Customer-Centric Website Interface

A well-built website is an important component of an effective marketing strategy, as it is almost always the first point of contact for potential clients. A website is what gives an individual their first impression of a business. So, to ensure that that impression is positive, a company site should be mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, load quickly, and direct visitors to positive client testimonials that highlight customer satisfaction. Additionally, integrating advanced construction management software like Autodesk Takeoff can showcase your firm’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for efficient project execution and client communication. This can be achieved by integrating the product’s API into a construction materials estimator tool, for example.

2. Google List Your Business

Ensuring your business is listed on Google My Business is another essential step for boosting your online presence. Fortunately, it’s easy to do, and it’s free! All you need to do is create a Google Business profile, add your business through Google Maps, and claim your company under the management section of the site. Once you’ve completed these steps, it will be much easier for people to find your company and contact you. Google listing also provides a platform for your clients to leave reviews about their experiences using your services.

3. Create a Social Media Presence

Forbes Magazine recently stated that 84% of adults use at least one social media site. With so many people on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn today, construction firms are presented with a unique marketing platform to promote their business. High-quality images and videos can be used to post customer testimonials and share project updates. By actively engaging with your followers, you will create a community around your brand, promoting a sense of connection with your audience.

4. Highlight Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials are invaluable tools for building brand awareness and trust. Client feedback can be posted on your website’s home page and your social media platforms. However, external Google reviews often resonate more with potential clients, so it’s always a good idea to ask your clients to write a Google review if they are satisfied with your firm’s work.

5. Launch Google Local Service Ad Campaigns

Google Local service ads are a powerful marketing tool available to construction companies looking to connect with homeowners in their local areas. When conducting a Google search, these ads appear at the top of the results, providing prime visibility and a direct link to your company’s contact information. Google local service ads are a simple and affordable way to boost your local SEO efforts and attract organic traffic to your website.

6. Create SEO-Centered Content

High-quality SEO (search engine optimization) content like blog posts provides your website visitors with information about your company’s area of expertise while incorporating target keywords and phrases that improve search ranking and drive organic traffic to your website.

7. Build and Maintain an Email List

Email campaigns are one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, but they are still very effective in keeping in touch with past clients and developing new leads. Marketing emails often include updates about new building projects, content blogs, or exclusive offers to keep your business fresh in the minds of both new and past clients.

8. Implement Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is an internet marketing model in which businesses pay a fee every time someone clicks on their ads. Basically, it’s a way of buying visits to a website rather than trying to generate them organically through SEO strategies. PPC campaigns can be tailored to target a specific demographic or geographical region, providing control and flexibility over who sees your ads.


Key Takeaways: Elevating Construction Marketing for the Future

Adapting to new digital platforms and innovative forms of advertising is essential for modern construction companies looking to take their marketing strategies to the next level. By focusing on providing your audience with informative and engaging content, you will not only forge a strong customer relationship but also check all the boxes that search engines use to promote your business.

Remember, when creating content, that your goal is not only to attract new clients but also to create a sustainable business model that facilitates long-term growth and client satisfaction in a competitive construction landscape.





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