In case you missed it, Autodesk just released the first Web Update of 2013 for the Revit 2014 product-line last week (July 19th). Depending on which product you are using, you’ll want to make sure you download and install the correct Update from the appropriate link below…
Revit Architecture 2014 Update Release 1
Revit Structure 2014 Update Release 1
Revit MEP 2014 Update Release 1
Revit LT 2014 Update Release 1
One of our customers had problems applying the Update because they downloaded the wrong one, so make sure you know if you are using the independent product (Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, or Revit MEP) as opposed to the all-inclusive version of Revit that is included with the Building Design Suite Premium and Ultimate packages. If you are using Revit LT, you have your own Update as well.
After the Update is applied correctly, the build number/date listed in the Help > About dialog will be shown as 20130709_2115. FYI there are a LOT of “improved stability” enhancements mentioned in the README file, many related to the core program, so I think this is a must-have for everyone!
In case you don’t know, it is recommended that all users on the project use the same Web Update, and this applies to outside consultants, not just the Architects or Engineers under your roof. I’ve seen situations in the past where a MEP Engineer couldn’t see Structural beams because the Structural Engineer and MEP Engineer were using different builds. They were both using the same version of Revit (2012), but two different Web Updates. That’s a pretty scary/risky situation, so better to be safe than sorry.
To that end, when it comes to Revit, users should always use the latest, but never blindly apply a Web Update without confirming that the rest of the project team is aware and able to install about the same time.
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