Many firms with multi-user (network) licenses are accustomed to the cascading behavior with the Autodesk Suites. However, the new Collections behave differently, with some important consequences in many environments. In this post, we will review the changes, as well as strategies to manage these changes to best suit your firm’s needs.
Showing you what I did on a recent project with a client – moving license servers on a few hundred workstations automatically! Very useful when migrating servers or retiring servers, or even making sure workstation have a backup license server in the cloud. Using Group Policy, we make an environment variable on workstation listed on a specific OU. The environment variable will direct workstation to point the Autodesk software to point to the new server.
Because Hurricane Sandy has left many firms without power, there may be instances where offices with affected locations cannot access their license server. The quickest way to have your remote offices up and running is to establish a new license manager on an accessible server and obtain a new license file. Be aware that once power has been restored and the main license server is established, the temporary license manager must be removed in order not to violate license compliance.
To establish a new license manager, it is as simple as following three steps:
The following video provided via the link below details all the necessary steps:
How to install and configure the Network License Manager for Autodesk products (video):
Should you have any additional questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at
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