Before you read a whole blog post about cloud credits, you should probably be familiar with the basics: What are cloud credits? They are the unit of measurement required to perform certain tasks, such as creating a rendering or running a simulation in a cloud environment using Autodesk cloud services.
Autodesk cloud credit allocation framework incorporates both “Individual Cloud Credits” and “Shared Cloud Credits.” Every user associated to a license and given permission to perform tasks that consume cloud credits will automatically receive 100 Individual Cloud Credits. These 100 Individual Cloud Credits are a one-time-only allocation that is granted to a named user when he or she is associated to a license that is on an active maintenance plan or subscription contract. While these type of credits do not expire, these are for explicit use by named users and cannot be shared, pooled or transferred. Shared Cloud Credits are purchasable and may be accessed by all users on a contract if they have been given permission to perform tasks that consume cloud credits. Both Individual Cloud Credits and Shared Cloud Credits are tied to a either a maintenance plan or subscription contract and will expire in one year of time of purchase or upon renewal date; whichever arrives first.
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