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ISO Construction Types Explained

Understanding the six ISO construction types is crucial when working on construction projects of any size. This classification system, established by the Insurance Services Office (ISO), helps standardize the evaluation of building construction for insurance purposes.

In this article, we will break down the different ISO construction types to help you understand their differences and practical applications.

ISO 1 – Frame (Combustible Walls and/or Roof)

ISO 1 construction features combustible materials in the walls and/or roof. Typical materials include timber framing, insulation, and shake shingles. These buildings have exterior walls, roofs, or decks that can burn, requiring additional fire protection measures. This type of construction is common in residential homes and apartment buildings.

ISO 2 – Joisted Masonry (JM) (Non-Combustible Masonry Walls with Wood Frame Roof)

ISO 2, or Joisted Masonry, combines non-combustible masonry walls with a combustible wood frame roof. Exterior walls are typically made of brick veneer, concrete block, or similar masonry materials. However, the roof is usually supported by wood joists. This construction type provides better fire resistance than ISO 1, but the combustible roof elements still pose a fire risk.

ISO 3 – Non-Combustible (NC)

ISO 3 buildings are constructed with non-combustible materials throughout. Both the walls and roof must be made of metal, gypsum, or concrete block. This type of construction significantly minimizes fire risks. Common in commercial and industrial buildings, ISO 3 structures often feature metal roofing and a steel frame for increased fire-resistive properties.

ISO 4 – Masonry Non-Combustible (MNC)

ISO 4, or masonry Non-Combustible construction, includes buildings with exterior walls of masonry materials and non-combustible roofs. ISO 4 construction further enhances fire resistance compared to ISO 3 by incorporating more robust exterior wall materials. Materials like brick, concrete block, and heavy steel ensure a higher fire-resistance rating.

ISO 5 – Modified or Semi-Fire Resistive (MFR or SFR)

ISO 5 buildings, known as modified or Semi-Fire-Resistant, are typically mid-rise office buildings that incorporate additional fire-resistive elements beyond standard masonry or non-combustible materials. These structures are often framed with heavy steel and utilize various fire-resistant construction materials like precast concrete panels and BUR roofs (-BUR (built up roof with gravel or modified bitumen).

ISO 6 – Fire Resistive (FR)

ISO 6, or Fire Resistive construction, represents the highest level of fire resistance in the ISO classification system and is typically used in high-rise commercial buildings, condos, and parking garages. These structures are designed and constructed using materials and techniques that can withstand fire for extended periods. All floors must be cast in place concrete with a minimum thickness of 4″, and all exposed steel must be fireproofed to meet the required minimum 2-hour fire rating.

Leveraging Autodesk Tools for ISO Construction Standards

Autodesk tools like Revit and AutoCAD can significantly enhance the productivity and accuracy of designing buildings that meet ISO construction standards. These tools allow architects and engineers to create detailed models with precise specifications for non-combustible materials, fire-resistive construction, and load-bearing components.


Revit is a powerful building information modeling (BIM) software that enables the creation of comprehensive 3D models. It supports the integration of all elements required for ISO construction types, allowing you to specify materials like concrete block, steel frame, and brick veneer with precision. Some of Revit’s practical applications include:

  • Material Specification: You can detail every component, from non-combustible exterior walls to fire-resistive roofing materials, ensuring compliance with ISO standards.
  • Fire-Resistive Construction: Revit’s advanced modeling capabilities enable you to simulate fire-resistive properties of materials, helping you design buildings that meet fire protection requirements.
  • Load-Bearing Analysis: The software supports structural analysis, allowing you to model and test load-bearing components, ensuring they meet the necessary safety and ISO compliance standards.
  • Collaboration: Revit’s cloud collaboration features enable multiple stakeholders to work on the same model simultaneously, ensuring that all design aspects adhere to ISO construction standards from the outset of the project.


AutoCAD is the gold standard for precision drafting tools. Its ease of use and ability to integrate into other Autodesk programs make it ideal for creating detailed construction plans that specify fire-resistive materials and non-combustible construction techniques. AutoCAD facilitates:

  • Precision Drafting: AutoCAD allows for the meticulous drafting of building components, ensuring every detail is accurate and adheres to ISO standards. This includes the specification of non-combustible materials such as metal roofing and gypsum.
  • Detailed Documentation: The software’s robust documentation capabilities help create comprehensive construction documents detailing fire-retardant materials and techniques. These documents are essential for building code compliance and insurance purposes.
  • Customization and Automation: AutoCAD supports customization through programming interfaces like AutoLISP, allowing for the automation of repetitive tasks and creating custom tools tailored to ISO construction standards.
  • Integration with Revit: AutoCAD can seamlessly integrate with Revit, allowing for the import and export of data between the two platforms. This ensures that detailed 2D plans align perfectly with the 3D models, providing a cohesive design process.

Take Your ISO Compliance to The Next Level

Understanding ISO construction types is essential for designing safe, standard-compliant buildings. By leveraging advanced tools like Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD, construction professionals can ensure their designs adhere to the highest fire protection and structural integrity standards. Whether you’re working on a residential project with a wood frame design or a high-rise with heavy steel and precast concrete, recognizing these ISO classifications will enhance your ability to create resilient, fire-resistant structures. If you’re interested in implementing AutoCAD or Revit into your daily workflow, we encourage you to check Autodesk AEC Collection, where you can find these and other leading tools in one comprehensive package.



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How to Use OCR in Bluebeam

Optical character recognition (OCR) is a powerful tool within Bluebeam Revu that allows for the translation of PDF documents into searchable data. Compatible PDFs fall into one of two categories: raster and vector documents. Vector PDFs are computer-generated via CAD programs, while raster PDFs are scans of paper documents.

Because a computer system generates the letters and symbols of vector PDFs, Bluebeam can automatically speak the virtual “language”. However, it’s a different story with raster documents. Since the characters of a raster PDF are defined by pixels, Bluebeam can’t recognize them as text right away; it must be converted using OCR. 

When using optical character recognition, Bluebeam will scan through the inserted PDF document to individually identify and convert every letter, number, and symbol into text-searchable data. 

Identifying Raster and Vector Documents 

First, you need to determine which type of PDF document you are working with. If your document is a vector, you can skip the entire OCR step. 

There are a few straightforward ways to determine which type of PDF you have. The first method is simply loading a PDF document into Bluebeam and zooming in on it. If you notice that the letters remain clear, regardless of how far you zoom in, then you are working with a vector document, and there is no need for the OCR process. On the other hand, if you zoom in and the words on the page appear more and more pixilated as you zoom in then you have a raster PDF scanned from a paper document. 

The second method involves trying to select the text of a document loaded into Bluebeam. If the system allows you to highlight the text, then you already have a vector PDF. If you can’t highlight or select the text, then your PDF is a raster scan.  

Using Bluebeam OCR: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you have determined that you are working with a raster PDF image, you can begin converting the document into searchable text using Bluebeam’s OCR tool. OCR has three basic steps: knowing where to find the tool, adjusting the settings, and ensuring your document was processed correctly.                       

Step 1: Locate the OCR Tool 

The first essential step in using the optical character recognition tool is knowing where to find it in Bluebeam’s user interface. To locate OCR, select the Document dropdown menu at the top of your screen. Toward the middle of the options list, you’ll find the OCR tool. Alternatively, you can enter the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + O. 

Step 2: Adjust OCR Settings

When you first initiate the OCR command, you will notice various settings you can adjust to suit the needs of your specific raster document.

  • Files – Under this option, you can indicate which pages of your PDF you want to use the OCR tool on. Here, you can also add additional raster PDFs if you want to scan multiple documents at once. 
  • Options – Here, you will find the main settings adjustments you can make before you run OCR. Under the Language option, you’ll be given a list of over 35 available language libraries to run OCR. 
  • Document Type – The next available option is Document Type. Bluebeam OCR supports CAD documents, Tables and Forms, and Text documents. Here, you can select the option that matches the document you are currently working with. 
  • Optimize For – The final setting in the options panel is Optimize For. Here, you’ll be given two options: optimize for speed or accuracy. Depending on the size of the document you are scanning, OCR may take a while to complete the character translation process, so keep that in mind when choosing between the two options.

In the OCR options panel, you will also find a list of seven additional checkbox settings that can help you further tailor the optical character recognition process to fit your specific needs. These settings include:

  • Correct Skew – Allows Bluebeam to correct misaligned text in your document.
  • Detection Orientation – This option allows OCR to identify and correct pages that don’t match the orientation of the rest of the document. 
  • Detect Text in Pictures and Drawings – Checking this box gives Bluebeam permission to scan text within images and graphics embedded in your document. 
  • Skip Vector Pages – Sometimes, a PDF document contains a combination of vector and raster pages. Activating this function will cause Bluebeam to skip over vector pages, as they are already recognized as selectable text. 
  • Page Chunk Size – This option gives you control over how many pages are processed at a time. In general, Bluebeam recommends setting this value to 1 to avoid overloading your computer’s CPU. However, your mileage may vary depending on your PC’s specs.
  • Max Vector Size – This setting allows you to set the maximum size for characters and symbols scanned by OCR. Setting a lower value may speed up the translation process. However, some text may be overlooked if your PDF has larger fonts.

Step 3: Confirm and Double-Check

After you’ve made all your desired settings adjustments, the only thing left to do is hit the OK button, and OCR will begin converting your document. Once complete, Bluebeam will notify you that your PDF has been processed, and you can double-check to ensure that your text is selectable. Find the Select Text tool and highlight a portion of your document. If you can select the text, then your document was converted successfully. At this point, you can freely edit your document within the Bluebeam interface. 

Addressing Common Issues with Bluebeam OCR

If you’re running into problems when trying to use OCR within Bluebeam, don’t panic; there is usually an easy fix to get you up and running again.


Issue Solution
Specific texts are missing after OCR conversion. Start the OCR process again and increase the Max Vector Size to ensure all characters are scanned.
Bluebeam crashes when running OCR. Try lowering the Page Chunk Size to take some of the stress off your PC’s CPU. If the issue persists, check to see if you have the latest version of Bluebeam downloaded on your machine.
OCR tool does not appear in your Bluebeam interface. OCR is only available on desktop versions of Bluebeam Revu. Try to access the feature from your home computer.
Certain pages automatically rotate when using the OCR feature. If you are working with a small document, simply rotate the pages manually to the desired orientation. If the problem persists with larger documents, uncheck the Detect Orientation checkbox in the OCR options menu.


Bluebeam OCR: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Bluebeam Revu 21 have OCR?

Yes! Bluebeam Revu 21 comes with OCR tools that can automatically convert PDFs into editable forms.

Does Bluebeam Core have OCR?

Yes! All Bluebeam subscriptions include Bluebeam Revu 21, which comes equipped with OCR tools.

What does OCR do for a PDF?

Bluebeam’s OCR tool scans PDF documents and converts text into a computer-generated format that can be edited and manipulated.

How many languages does Bluebeam OCR support?

Bluebeam OCR is currently available in over 35 languages, and future versions of Bluebeam Revu may add even more.

OCR, A Standard Feature of All New Bluebeam Products

Bluebeam’s optical character recognition feature is a powerful tool for converting scanned paper documents into searchable text. However, if you’re working with an older version of Bluebeam Revu, you might not have access to this valuable tool. Until September 2022, only Revu eXtreme users could utilize OCR, but now that Bluebeam has transitioned into a subscription-based platform, all versions of Revu software include optical character recognition features. If you are interested in OCR and the library of other useful tools that Bluebeam Revu 21 has to offer, check out this article on the software’s newest features. 


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The Role of PMIS in Construction

Managing a modern construction project is a daunting task. Balancing budgets, deadlines, and workforce may initially seem like an impossible task. 

However, with the assistance of cutting-edge technology, project managers can successfully supervise all aspects of a build with relative ease. At the forefront of this project management modernization is a revolutionary system known as PMIS.

What is a PMIS And How Does it Work?

PMIS (project management information system) is a software system designed to help construction project management teams maximize efficiency. These complex systems have two primary roles. First, PMIS acts as a central database for all pertinent project information. Secondly, PMIS provides the tools needed for effective planning, scheduling, estimation, purchasing, and project execution. 

The Significance of PMIS in Construction Management

Successfully managing a construction project is notoriously complicated. Hiring qualified contractors, coordinating the purchase of materials, establishing budgets, and setting deadlines are just a few key items on the long list of tasks project managers face. While these processes are part of every construction endeavor, the complexity of project management increases with the overall size and scope of each project. 

Regardless of a project’s size, PMIS can be an absolute lifesaver when it comes to streamlining project management. By synchronizing and organizing project information, stakeholders are presented with a clear view of construction progress and resource allocation, allowing for better decision-making and enhanced efficiency. 

Key Features of PMIS in Construction

PMIS systems can be tailored to fit the needs of each individual construction company. However, most firms find the following features the most useful:

  • Project Scheduling and Planning Tools: PMIS systems like Autodesk Build offer a library of sophisticated tools designed to simplify the creation of building schedules and establishing project milestones. PMIS systems can automatically generate and update Gantt charts as the project progresses, giving managers better control over project tracking.
  • Budget Management: The ability of PMIS to organize pricing and payment information gives project managers valuable budget-tracking capabilities. PMIS can help identify the potential for savings or if any aspects of the project might negatively affect the prospect of completing the build within budget. 
  • Resource management: Funds are not the only valuable resource when it comes to construction management. Ensuring that there is enough manpower to complete a project is also crucial to its success. PMIS can optimize scheduling to ensure that independent contractors begin and finish their work at the opportune moment. 
  • Document organization and Sharing: Part of effective project management is making sure that estimators, architects, engineers, superintendents, and investors all have access to the documents they need to carry out their designated tasks. PMIS not only facilitates document storage but also gives access to all primary stakeholders.

How Does PMIS Work Throughout the Project’s Life Cycle?

PMIS is an essential tool in modern construction management, helping projects progress from start to finish and beyond as a structure enters the operational phase of its life cycle. 

Project Initiation

In the early stages of construction, PMIS helps convert ideas into plans. By implementing PMIS technology from the start of a project, a construction firm can develop a solid scope, timeline, and objective that will lead to smoother development as the project progresses.

Project Planning 

Once the initial details, like timeframes and budgets, have been determined, the planning phase of a project can begin. At this stage, finding the most qualified contractors for the job can be challenging. However, PMIS stores contractor data from previous construction projects, allowing a management team to decide who to hire based on prior performance.

Project Monitoring

A PMIS system is arguably the most useful once construction begins as it facilitates direct comparison between the original objectives and the current project progress. Data like this can help project managers decide when and if adjustments need to be made to ensure the project is completed on time and within budget. 

Project Closing

After construction comes to a close, PMIS plays a critical part in a project’s close. It assists in making sure that all contractual obligations are met between contractors and simplifies the process of handing off ownership of the facility to the owner. 

Post-Construction and Maintenance

PIMS continues to be a valuable part of a construction management workflow long after construction ends. Project management software has the power to analyze the entire history of a project, pinpointing specific strengths and achievements that can be studied for implementation in future projects.  

Facility managers can also use data stored in a PIMS system to streamline their building maintenance programs, helping them schedule upgrades and repairs to building components.           

Benefits of Implementing PMIS in Construction

By incorporating PMIS into every project phase, construction teams are provided with a management solution that enhances the efficiency of their building process and leads to a higher-quality final product. Adopting a project management information system can also benefit a construction firm in the following ways:

  • Better communication: PIMS makes project data easily accessible to stakeholders, helping to keep them informed and engaged. 
  • Improved Resource Management: PIMS can guarantee the best use of allocated funds, manpower, equipment, and materials.
  • Increased Accountability: A project management information system incorporates real-time data, allowing managers to keep better track of responsibilities and project deliverables.

Challenges of Implementing PMIS in Construction

Though there are seemingly endless benefits to implementing PMIS in construction, there are certainly challenges in doing so. Some of those issues may include: 

  • Resistance to change: When a project manager has an extensive tenure at a company, they have likely developed their own method of doing things and may be hesitant to try something new. 
  • Initial Cost: Like any piece of construction software, an initial investment cost comes with upgrading to PMIS. Construction firms need to thoroughly analyze their management needs before writing the check to a PMIS supplier
  • Data Integration: PIMS works best when synchronized with other construction-based software like BIM (building information modeling). However, if the data from either program is not up to date, inaccuracies can arise. 

Final Thoughts

While there is no right or wrong way to approach project management, every construction firm will tell you that structure is essential to a successful build. PMIS is designed to bring that structure to its users by making data readily available and standardizing construction organization. 

For many, implementing PMIS is the boost they need to push their construction company into the digital age and gain an advantage over their competitors. If you are curious about the specific benefits a PMIS can bring to your business, please feel free to contact our customer service team here at Microsol Resources. We are happy to answer any questions you have about project management information systems and direct you toward a PMIS solution that best fits your needs.


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