
Autodesk Subscription and Terminology Changes

By Microsol Resources | Subscription

Subscribing to Autodesk products and services is the most flexible and efficient way to access and manage the latest design, engineering and software tools to fit both your budget and you business needs.

In the past, Autodesk had offered 3 different types of subscription:

  • Maintenance Subscription
  • Desktop Subscription
  • Cloud Service Subscription

Starting February 1st, 2016, Autodesk has made changes to these subscriptions in order to simplify the process of purchasing Autodesk products and/or services. Today you are able to subscribe to your Autodesk product or services through a term-based offer, meaning you subscribe to the product or service of your choice for a specified amount of time; monthly, quarterly, annual or multi-year terms.

Perpetual licenses of Autodesk products are no longer being sold. If you own a current perpetual Autodesk license you are able to add on a maintenance plan (previously known as Maintenance Subscription) which enables you to access the latest, as well as previous, versions of software.

To further simplify the process, Autodesk has introduced a more intuitive license terminology in order to make it easier to determine which license type is best for you and your access needs:

  • Single-user Access can be assigned to a user or a device (stand-alone; multi-seat stand-alone) and cannot be shared.
  • Multi-user Access can be assigned to more than one user or device and can be shared (i.e. network server).

In order to determine what product or service you need, all you need to do is ask yourself 4 simple questions:Subscription Questions

These changes will NOT affect the benefits you receive, the way you access your software or services, or the ability to renew your current subscription (as long as you renew it on time). If you are currently subscribed to an Autodesk software, or have a maintenance plan attached to your perpetual license, you will continue to have access to the latest software releases, previous version rights, technical support and more.

To read more about the different subscription changes, please view our Subscription Changes FAQ here.

If you have any questions or would like to hear more about your Autodesk purchase options, please do not hesitate to give us a call  at (888) 768-7568, or shoot us an email




Published on March 16, 2016 in Subscription.

About the Author

Microsol Resources delivers integrated solutions that help customers design, simulate and analyze their ideas, increase operational efficiencies, and maximize their return on investment in their technology solutions. As a team, we are passionate about helping customers improve their productivity and overall business processes. How can we help? Just reach out.