
AUTHOR: Roger Liucci

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What’s new in Revit 2025

Revit 2025: Streamlining Design and Documentation Workflows

Welcome architects, engineers, and BIM enthusiasts! Are you excited to dive into the latest features of Revit 2025?

This update brings a wave of enhancements designed to supercharge your design productivity, elevate your sustainability efforts, and empower you to create clear, well-organized documentation.

Let’s explore some of the most architecturally significant improvements across these key areas.

Design with Efficiency at Your Fingertips

Revit 2025 streamlines your modeling process, freeing you to focus on creative problem-solving. Here are some highlights:

  • Effortless Wall Creation: Imagine walls that practically build themselves! The new “Create Walls with Auto Join and Lock” feature automates the joining of adjacent walls, even those with openings, ensuring seamless connections and saving you valuable time.
  • Enhanced Wall Wrapping Control: Take control of wall wrappings with in-canvas controls. This intuitive feature allows you to easily define which elements wrap around walls, leading to a more refined and realistic design representation.
  • Flexible Family Creation: Empower your families with the ability to include single-element or even empty arrays. This expanded flexibility allows you to create more versatile families that adapt to diverse design scenarios.
  • Multiple Loop Mullion Profiles: This allows for the creation of window mullions with more complex profiles, improving the visual representation of windows in the model.
  • Room Perimeter Accuracy Improvements: The method used to calculate room perimeter values has been updated in Revit 2025 resulting in improved accuracy.  The room perimeter now accounts for inner loops within rooms.Additionally, the method for calculating the perimeter of round rooms or room with arc segments has been enhanced. Users may notice changes in the room perimeters when a project is upgraded to Revit 2025.

Sustainable Design Made Easier

Revit 2025 equips you with the tools to make informed decisions for a greener future:

  • Autodesk FORMA’s Embodied Carbon Analysis: Allows architects to better understand the carbon impacts of their projects from Day 1 in a typical project planning process and offers real-time feedback regarding façade and structural system selections, among other factors.
  • Autodesk Insight Improvements: Insight leverages the EC3 database to apply material averages for embodied carbon, providing default carbon factors for these calculations. Users can always override these default factors with their own material carbon factor inputs
  • gbXML 7.03 Support: Stay ahead of the curve with support for the latest gbXML schema. This enables seamless data exchange of building energy models, facilitating collaboration with sustainability consultants and optimizing energy efficiency in your designs.

  • New GIS Coordinate Systems: Revit has added support for five new horizontal coordinate systems: CGCS2000, UK GG951, Amtrak Northeast Corridor, US Albers NAD83, and ISN2016, all of which users can now acquire the coordinates from linked DWG files.​
  • Forma Add-In Updates: The Forma Add-In for Revit receives a significant upgrade, introducing features like embodied carbon analysis and solar analysis capabilities. These tools empower you to analyze the environmental impact of your design choices and make data-driven decisions for a more sustainable built environment.

Effortless Documentation Sets

Creating clear and organized documentation just got easier with Revit 2025’s documentation efficiency enhancements:

  • Organized Sheet Collections: Group your project sheets into logical collections using the new Sheet Collections feature. This improves navigation within the project browser and streamlines the publishing process.

  • Material Management Made Simple: Batch deletion and library addition of materials becomes a breeze with the new functionality. This allows you to efficiently manage your project materials, saving time and effort.
  • Background PDF Export: No more waiting! The background PDF export feature allows you to continue working on your model while the export process runs in the background. This multitasking capability enhances your overall workflow efficiency.

Enhanced Collaboration and Interoperability

Revit 2025 strengthens collaboration throughout the project lifecycle with improved interoperability features:

  • Coordination Model Improvements:Linking Coordination Models from Autodesk Docs was released last year in Revit 2024, it enabled a whole new coordination workflow for Revit users. The Reference Coordination Model keeps project files light (doesn’t load unnecessary data ) and your work in synch with your collaborators. It can serve as reference data as you can snap to it and perform basic dimensioning. In Revit 2025, you can now automatically check the latest consecutive versions of a linked coordination model using the Coordination Model Changes palette.
  • Fine-tuned IFC Export Mapping: Customize Revit category mapping with templates for a more streamlined IFC export process. This ensures smoother collaboration with partners using different software.
  • STEP File Import/Export: Expand your collaboration horizons with the ability to import and export STEP files, a universal format compatible with most CAD software. This fosters seamless data exchange with a broader range of stakeholders.

Embrace the Future of BIM

Revit 2025 offers a compelling array of architectural and platform improvements designed to empower you to design more efficiently, sustainably, and collaboratively. From the effortless creation of complex models to the seamless generation of clear documentation sets, Revit 2025 is poised to revolutionize the way you approach BIM projects.

What’s New in Revit 2025

If this blog post has piqued your interest in the exciting possibilities offered by Revit 2025, you can also watch this video recording of our webinar about the latest features!

Stay tuned for future posts where we delve deeper into specific features and showcase their practical applications in real-world design scenarios. Happy designing!

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Revit Color Scheme

Revit is an excellent tool for creating detailed architectural models, and one of its key features is the ability to apply a color scheme to your project. A well-designed color scheme can make your model look more visually appealing and help communicate design intent to clients and stakeholders.

By applying custom color schemes to the rooms, walls, and other elements of your model, you can easily differentiate between different types of spaces, such as living areas or utility rooms.

I often use this feature to swiftly color-code different rooms in a floor plan based on their area or name. In this blog post, I will show you how to create a Revit color scheme that will enhance your architectural models.

Adding the building components

Your first step is to create the area where you want to apply the color scheme. This can be done by using bounding elements, which are building components such as walls or floors that enclose a space.

If you already have an enclosed space, bounded by walls or columns, you can simply select the Room tool in Revit and click on the space to create a room. This will automatically create a room that fits into the bounding elements. If you do not have any bounding elements, you will first need to create them before proceeding.

Once you have the bounding elements and rooms in place, you can further delineate the space using room separation lines, which will allow you to delimit areas without a physical element. For example, you can use a room separation line to create a divider between the living and dining areas in an open-concept space.

Room separation lines allow you to create different color schemes for each room or section within a larger space, making it easier to distinguish between different areas visually.


Set the visualization to “Color Fill”

Once you have your rooms and room separation lines in place, you can start setting up the color scheme. In the Categories tree, under the Visibility tab, make sure the Color Fill option is selected. This will allow you to see the Revit color scheme applied to your model.


Steps for creating a Revit color scheme

Now that you’ve set up the basic elements, you can follow these steps to create your custom color scheme:


Select a color-fill legend

The first step in creating a color scheme is to select a color-fill legend. This will act as the base for your color scheme and determine the overall color palette for your model.

Click on the Architecture tab> Room & Area panel drop-down> (Color Schemes) and then click on the Edit Scheme option to create a new scheme or modify an existing one.


Select a color scheme category

In the Edit Color Scheme dialog, you’ll be asked to select a color scheme category. This will determine which categories of building components you want to apply the color scheme to.

You’ll need to pick from the following options:

  • Rooms: applies the color scheme to rooms bounded by walls or columns
  • Areas (Rentable): This option is useful for commercial spaces, where different tenants may have different color schemes.
  • Areas (Non-Rentable): This applies the color scheme to areas that are non-rentable, such as hallways or stairwells.
  • Ducts, HVAC Zones, Pipes, and Spaces: These options allow you to apply the color scheme to mechanical or electrical components.


Select an existing scheme to modify

If you already have an existing color scheme, you can select it from the list and modify it according to your needs. This is useful if you want to make small changes or add new colors without starting from scratch.

You can also right-click and click Duplicate to create a copy of the existing scheme and make changes to it without affecting the original. Or you can create a new scheme by clicking on the New option and naming your scheme.


Create a title for the color-fill legend

Under the Scheme Definition field, you can add a title for your color-fill legend. This will help identify the scheme and its purpose. You’ll see this title above the legend when you apply the color scheme to your model.


Select the parameter to use as the basis of the color scheme

Under the Color list, you can choose a parameter to base your color scheme on. You can add to or change these parameters later via the Properties Palette.

If you want to color by a specific parameter value or by a range of values, you can select the By Value or By Range options.


Modify your color scheme definition values

There are nine values that define how a color appears in the scheme, including:

  •       At least: Sets the low-end range value.
  •       Less than: Sets a read-only value.
  •       Caption: Edits the legend text.
  •       Value: This value appears when you select By Value.
  •       Visible: This indicates if the value is displayed with color in the legend for color fill.
  •       Color: Allows you to select the color option for the value.
  •       Fill Pattern: Allows you to specify the fill pattern for the value
  •       Preview: This option shows a preview of the color and fill pattern if selected.
  •       In Use: This indicates whether the value is in use in this specific project.

Modifying these values will allow you to customize the color and appearance of each value in your color scheme.


Click Ok

With all your color scheme values set, click OK to save your changes and create your custom color scheme.


Apply the newly created color-fill legend

Once you’ve created a color fill legend, you can apply it to your model by following these steps:

  1. Right-click the floor plan view or section view in the Project Browser and select Properties.
  2. Click on the Color Scheme cell. This will open the Edit Color Scheme dialog.
  3. Under the Schemes tag, you will be able to select a category and the color scheme you just created.
  4. Click OK
  5. Back on the Properties palette, click on Color Scheme Location and select either Background or Foreground. This will determine whether the color scheme is applied to the background or foreground of your model.
  6. Click OK to apply the color scheme.

Your model should now be visually enhanced with your custom Revit color scheme, making differentiating between different areas and sections easier.


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How to access your Autodesk subscription?

By now you may have heard that Autodesk is fully adopting the Named User Subscription licensing model and ending support for multiuser or network licenses as well as the need for serial numbers. Your subscription is now associated with your email address and Autodesk ID (If you want to know more about the Transition to Named User, click here).

In this article, I’ll be explaining where you can go to access your Autodesk account and subscription.

You can access your software through your Autodesk Account, which you can find at

If you have a license assigned to you, you’ll be able to access the software and subscription services under “All Products and Services” What we see in the image below is the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the Autodesk account.

If you’re an administrator or contract manager, your Autodesk account will look a bit different, as you’ll be able to access the User Management tab as shown in the screenshot below. There you can add users and assign licenses right to your Autodesk account. To learn more about managing the users in your firm, inviting other administrators to your account, and controlling users’ access to specific software and services, check out Setting Up your Autodesk Software Subscriptions.


At this point, you’ve logged in and had the ability to access the Products and Services you’re managing or those that are assigned to you.

Don’t hesitate to call our support team if you have any further questions or concerns. We’re here to help. While you’re still in the Autodesk account, you can also click on the questions mark if you want to learn more from Autodesk.

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