If you found yourself looking at a default Clash Report and wondered “well, I am really interested in figuring out where exactly the clash is located and the only thing that would give me the best shot at locating the clash is the Image in the report.”
Unfortunately, a look at the ‘Options’ editor does not give us any clues as to how we would go about increasing the size of the image in question.
A few months ago, I happened to attend the opening meeting of the New York City Navisworks Users Group (http://www.meetup.com/NYC-Navisworks/) where one of the technical folks from Autodesk let us in on the ‘Secret’ settings of Navisworks.
The ‘Secret’ Settings are accessed by holding the Shift button down whilst clicking on the ‘Options’ Button. The resultant ‘Options’ Editor will look a little different….
Obviously, there are more ‘Options’ here. On investigating another solution, I found I was supposed to look under Registry>Current User>Clash Detection>Reports for the image-size setting. I could not find this at all.
So what was I missing?
Knowing how finicky software can be, I ran a test clash to generate a report (using HTML tabular format) and then tried the ‘Secret’ Options yet again. This time the option to modify the size of the image in the clash report (in pixels) appeared.
WARNING: Some of the settings affect the windows registry. A colleague of mine had to repair the Navisworks installation after a couple of wrong moves. So, proceed with extreme caution – there is a reason why these settings are ‘secret’.
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