Chaos offers a suite of industry-leading tools built especially for architects, designers, and AEC professionals. Render anything — from early massing models to photorealistic imagery, animation, and real-time immersive experiences.
Microsol Resources is a Chaos Gold Star Partner — the highest level of partner qualifications and is an expert in selling, deploying, and supporting any of Chaos’ V-Ray products and offers training and services.
Feel free to request a free 30-day trial for any of the V-Ray products.
Use Chaos Vantage as an Archviz artist by exploring & presenting unlimited design variations.
Use Chaos Vantage as a VFX professional by playblasts at exceptional quality.
V-Ray 3.0 Render Nodes support network & distributed rendering on the different V-Ray 3.X applications.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray Collection and for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
As of July 2022, Chaos will no longer sell V-Ray for specific host applications. Instead, customers will only need to purchase a single V-Ray license to access all V-Ray integrations offered in three tiers: Solo, Premium, and Enterprise.
Microsol Resources is committed to providing outstanding customer service. As a team, we are passionate about helping customers improve their productivity and overall business processes. We have the skills to not only assist you, but enable you to gain a competitive advantage as you stay updated with the most recent technologies.
Feel free to contact us regarding:
“I have a very interesting relationship with Microsol Resources. You don’t expect your software vendor to actually help you make strategic decisions about your company. The fact that Microsol Resources is interested in design excellence in addition to being a service provider makes a difference.”
Ronette Riley
Ronette Riley Architect
V-Ray 7 for Revit is here, completing the highly anticipated V-Ray 7 lineup! Following its releases for 3ds Max, SketchUp, and Rhino, Chaos has now… Read More
Why Do I Need to Update? There is an important Chaos Licensing server application update scheduled for January 28, 2025, because the server certificate will… Read More
Visualization can be a powerful tool to support data representation and analysis throughout project design and delivery. By watching this video, you’ll learn how to… Read More